
Saturday, June 18, 2011

[PREDICTIONS] Future Orkut features

Aaaaaand there we are again.
After I nom nommed some awesome stuff, I'm ready to roll again :)

Ok, I don't know (yet) if the amount of stuff I'll find in Orkut's code justifies it's own blog-entry, because I'm writing it while I'm sneaking through the code, but I'll just start :D

First things first: As I mentioned in my last post: Google won't kill Orkut. (good decision) It wouldn't make any sense to kill it! It is successful in India and Latin America AFAIK, so why should they piss off a loyal user base?
What I would do (and what Google will probably do) is to integrate Orkut into the upcoming Google Social Experience (I still don't know the codename yet... pinto is something different AFAIK, madrelease was +1, chili is Buzz, Typhoon is unknown, pixy is also unknown).

Aaaaand there we have the first evidence that Google loves Orkut and gives it the attention it deserves:
plus one, baby! ;D

Ok. After we silenced now Captain Crunch and ZDnet or how this third class blog is called, the adults can talk again.

Your <a href=\"\">Google Profile<\\/a> has been created, now you can start spreading your +1\\'s to your friends and to the world! Happy +1\\'s :-)

So, plus one isn't active yet in Orkut, but as far as I can tell, the (plusOne) integration is already 100% finished.

And now to something really interesting: Orkut will get it's own +1 tab!

<p>You can see your +1\\'s on the <a href=\"\">Google Web Search<\\/a> on your <a href=\"\">Google Profile<\\/a> and on your <a href=\"Main#Notifications?plusone=1\">Orkut +1 tab<\\/a>. 

They are also visible to your friends on <a href=\"Main#Notifications?plusone=1\">Orkut +1 tab<\\/a>, you may <a href=\"Main#ProfileSettings\">hide them<\\/a> if you wish.

Something else I noticed, was the opensocial gadget support that is found in every Google product. I guess Orkut already supported these gadgets (just like iGoogle), but the whole system was revitalized and "might" bridge between the different services. I don't have the people-widget yet, but I bet par definition and in the code it's one of these opensocial-gadgets. I don't know if the gadgets are interportable between all those Google services but it would be quite cool. (Add Gadget by url anyone?) But it will probably just be internal for now.

IF that would be the case, I really really wish, that there will be quite a few official, shiny, well working Gadgets... The 3rd party ones in iGoogle are mostly... rubbish. Some are good, but... there is a lot of outdated unsupported stuff floating around there.. Not good. (showing the last date of update would be a great addition to the iGoogle widget-selection-thingy)

Yeah and the Media-Picker/Cloud-Picker gets standardized (or was already, I can't remember) over all products as it seems :)

So far so good, that's all I know for now!

Discuss on Buzz


X said...

Actually, now everyone in India has switched to Facebook :P

NoName said...

@Arpit I bet everyone is quite exaggerated XD

Unknown said...

I was looking through some of the code you posted before. Is it possible that Typhoon is just a code name for a special account specifically set up for Google employees involve with Google social products and it is not a new service or product.

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