Ok, let's face it. Uncertainty is a bee, I know. But if you want to get a little certainty in your life... I might be able to help!
To make it short: it is about as accurate as the prediction of the rapture today.
It also might be, that you have to install the leaked honeycomb Google music apk first
Download it here: http://www.multiupload.com/YTUNMZH16U Install it once instead of the original Google Music apk. Enable syncing for your account (under settings -> Accounts and sync), play around a little and try again.
UPDATE NR.2: It doesn't work for most of you guys... so sadly it seems to be a dead end ATM. But I'll continue poking around in the system for more reliable info.
Ok, you'll need a rooted Android for that (maybe it works without root... haven't tried), the
Google Music Beta App and start it at least once(!!) (If you can't find it, you should probably use
MarketEnabler to fake an US provider...) and a filemanager (I used
RootExplorer for that, it also has a neat texteditor included).
Only thing you've got to do is to fire up RootExplorer and navigate to "/data/data/com.google.android.music/shared_prefs"
You might have less files than me, because I took the shot shortly after I got my invite!
Copy the signup.pref.xml to your SDcard if you don't have an integrated texteditor or open it directly on the phone and check out the contents:
You should have a little less info in there but note the string named "holdoffUntil"... It contains a time-info... in particular it contains an Epoch Timestamp... so go to the site
http://www.epochconverter.com/ and enter the value you find in the XML tag. In my case it is "1305953336454" ... convert it to a readable date and tadaaaa you get the time (approx.) your invite will (hopefully) arrive! In my case it was "
Sat, 21 May 2011 04:48:56 GMT
that was about the time when I got my invite... it was a little earlier.. but I think it is no coincidence that it is the exact same date (even when the time isn't quite right) -> I got the invitation email at Fri, May 20, 2011 at 11:31 PM (GMT-07:00) that is ... about that time (yeah you have to add 7 hours to get GMT :P) ^^ somehow... Try it and let me know if it works!
BTW: Once you got your invite, Google music is available worldwide, just like Google Voice! So fire up your VPN and get your invite!
Boooom, yeah! and lots of free music too!
Ok, let's face it. Uncertainty is a bee, I know. But if you want to get a little certainty in your life... I might be able to help!
To make it short: it is about as accurate as the prediction of the rapture today.
It also might be, that you have to install the leaked honeycomb Google music apk first
Download it here: http://www.multiupload.com/YTUNMZH16U Install it once instead of the original Google Music apk. Enable syncing for your account (under settings -> Accounts and sync), play around a little and try again.
UPDATE NR.2: It doesn't work for most of you guys... so sadly it seems to be a dead end ATM. But I'll continue poking around in the system for more reliable info.
Ok, you'll need a rooted Android for that (maybe it works without root... haven't tried), the
Google Music Beta App and start it at least once(!!) (If you can't find it, you should probably use
MarketEnabler to fake an US provider...) and a filemanager (I used
RootExplorer for that, it also has a neat texteditor included).
Only thing you've got to do is to fire up RootExplorer and navigate to "/data/data/com.google.android.music/shared_prefs"
You might have less files than me, because I took the shot shortly after I got my invite!
Copy the signup.pref.xml to your SDcard if you don't have an integrated texteditor or open it directly on the phone and check out the contents:
You should have a little less info in there but note the string named "holdoffUntil"... It contains a time-info... in particular it contains an Epoch Timestamp... so go to the site
http://www.epochconverter.com/ and enter the value you find in the XML tag. In my case it is "1305953336454" ... convert it to a readable date and tadaaaa you get the time (approx.) your invite will (hopefully) arrive! In my case it was "
Sat, 21 May 2011 04:48:56 GMT
that was about the time when I got my invite... it was a little earlier.. but I think it is no coincidence that it is the exact same date (even when the time isn't quite right) -> I got the invitation email at Fri, May 20, 2011 at 11:31 PM (GMT-07:00) that is ... about that time (yeah you have to add 7 hours to get GMT :P) ^^ somehow... Try it and let me know if it works!
BTW: Once you got your invite, Google music is available worldwide, just like Google Voice! So fire up your VPN and get your invite!
Boooom, yeah! and lots of free music too!
[OBSOLETE?][HOW TO] find out when your Google Music Beta invite will arrive! [ANDROID needed!]
FTW! Worked fine for me using the official Google Music app (not the leak) and a root file explorer.
Awesome sauce.
shared_prefs folder did not exist on my phone. :(
Scratch that...it was just in a different folder.
Should get mine at 11:30 tonight....allegedly.
@huntsterUNC :) Let me know if it was correct
Mine said yesterday at 4:30, but I have no invite.
If you can't find your file, I found mine in another place similar.
I found my signup.pref.xml in:
I was supposed to receive mine about two hours ago...nothing yet.
Hmm that's shitty, doesn't seem to work :(
can anyone check on the epoch timestamp tomorrow again, if it changes? It remained constant in my case
Mine translates to 11:44pm tonight...about 20 minutes. If it doesn't work, do you think changing the value from -1 to 1 would do anything?
I tried changing the value to 5:30pm EST earlier today and replacing the file...didn't work. Was worth a shot though haha.
Yup, mine changed for sure. Was 1306033917920 and is now 1306057520043. Changed right after the first time was up...
@lastdetailwd.com yeah I tried that too, but sadly it isn't a persistent change, it gets overwritten :( If you are interested in poking around in the Google Apps etc, you should check out the sqlite addon for root explorer... I found TONS of interesting stuff -> enabling services in foreign countries etc... I spent a whole night exploring the system
For google-music: sad that it doesn't work... I don't get the logic behind it... Maybe it is a corpse from earlier development
Every time it gets to the new time, as soon as the Music app is opened, the Epoch is changed again. It's like a never-ending cycle and doesn't make much sense. My last one was last night at 11:44pm. I checked the XML after that, before I opened Music again. The Epoch was still for 11:44. As soon as I opened Music, it changed to 5:42am this morning. Did it again, and now it's 7:17pm tonight........I might change the value to "1" (currently "-1") to see if that has an effect. I'm also going to add my email address and the other information that the XML has when registration happens, but I fear getting locked out of the service if I mess with it.
@lastdetailwd.com don't worry :D I changed the epoch and the flags and fucked it completely up and got the invite 1 day later... so I guess it doesn't matter if you screw around... but hmmm yeah maybe safety first :)
I made a few changes and then when I opened Music, it said something like 'You've been invited...blah blah blah'
After that, nothing. I still have no invite, but Music is now linked to my google account. Weird.
I checked mine...I was supposed to receive my invite 2 days ago...still nothing..it was worth a try though =(
Update: Opened up the music app and checked again...should be tonight at 7pm so we'll see *fingers crossed*
Update: still no invite. When it's passed the expected time, my epoch number changes to a new epoch number. Maybe I'll get one soon but who knows...
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