Many of you know these abbreviations that are used extensively all over the internet:
Most of you love them, a few of you hate them. But the latest grammar-nazi-troll-food is the next step in modern communication: meme-based words. Recently I had an extensive discussion with some guy that tried to showcase his superiority by questioning my intelligence, just because I used a meme. "Awesome Sauce", a goofy word I used only once, was enough to act as a catalyst for an intellectual battle of epic dimensions. Well this guy was, to be honest, unarmed.
His main point was, that the common Internet slang just supports the "stupidification" of the common population by raping language (or something like that). I have to politely disagree. The inability to follow the rules of grammar or to build correct sentences and making typos are a problem, not these "new words" that are emerging.
Many of you know these abbreviations that are used extensively all over the internet:
Most of you love them, a few of you hate them. But the latest grammar-nazi-troll-food is the next step in modern communication: meme-based words. Recently I had an extensive discussion with some guy that tried to showcase his superiority by questioning my intelligence, just because I used a meme. "Awesome Sauce", a goofy word I used only once, was enough to act as a catalyst for an intellectual battle of epic dimensions. Well this guy was, to be honest, unarmed.
His main point was, that the common Internet slang just supports the "stupidification" of the common population by raping language (or something like that). I have to politely disagree. The inability to follow the rules of grammar or to build correct sentences and making typos are a problem, not these "new words" that are emerging.
New ways of communication. LOL, ROFL and beyond.